Goats in the Garden: Managing Data


Slideshow available here
The challenge of managing data of all types is increasing at a rapid rate, encouraged by the proliferation of born digital data. This challenge is manifested in a range of contexts: personal, institutional, national and international. This presentation discusses the challenges involved in describing and managing digital data using the context of research data as the focal point, and through lenses focused on the researcher, the university, the funding agency and a member of the public. The session will use three case studies: an annotation framework and repository for veterinary images (the goat in the garden), animal sightings (the fox and the coyote) and a repository for climate change data. The presentation will describe an institutional framework for responding to this demand, how we model new types of content, and access issues as well as institutional priorities and commitments. A summary of initiatives in the region as well as nationally and internationally will also be provided.

Schedule info

Time slot: 
16 May 13:30 - 14:30