Blowing Library Bubbles ver 2.0


Slideshow available here
Libraries are being bombarded with disruption, whether it be technology, budget challenges or maintaining knowledgeable staff to respond to a rapidly evolving information landscape. The challenge of declining public funding to libraries of all types has become an overriding concern to all of us, and no library is immune. This session emerges from a series of presentations given over the last decade that suggest the need for libraries to be more disruptive, especially by leveraging open philosophies and technologies. The opportunities to harness disruption (both from within and outside the Library) are significant and libraries need to respond to this opportunity rather than react to the disruption. In one example, UPEI is faced with a 100+% increase in a key journal database: is the appropriate response to cancel the subscription due to cost pressures and leave it at that or are there other options? The speaker will provide updates on efforts at the University of Prince Edward Island and elsewhere, highlight new challenges and opportunities and facilitate a discussion on libraries and change. Come ready to disrupt.

Schedule info

Time slot: 
15 May 15:00 - 16:00